1. Introduction:
Job security is very important for any employee today. What you are supposed to do to make sure you protect your career matters a lot. This takes you yourself. How you manage your time, your passion towards work, your attitude towards learning new skills, teamwork etc. Lets look at 10 simple ways to ensure job security at your workplace as below;
2. What Is Job Security?
Job security is that sense of confidence that an employee has in a given job/company. This level of confidence means they believe they are not going to lose their jobs so soon or when unexpected. Job security often is seen when someone is skilled enough, perform their duties well, team leader and is flexible.
3. 10 Ways to Ensure Job Security: Protect Your Career Today.
1. Be A Open To Learning.

Jobs keep advancing everyday as they are adapting to new technology, ideas and skills. Be open to learning and be that quick one. Adjust and adapt to new ideas, skills and ways of doing things. e.g. If a given company wants to adapt to a new style of performing certain duties, adjust and try to learn that new style. This is because clearly the one who doesn’t adapt to the new ideas might be laid off.
2. Be Hardworking.
No employer would want to keep you around as an employee when you are lazy. Be hardworking, be productive, do work to the best of your knowledge-why? An employer may at one point want to lay off some workers but for you will be safe since they know you are hardworking.
3. Be Punctual At Work.

To keep your job safe as an employee, always keep time. Avoid reporting to work late unless otherwise. Many people take late coming lightly but it could cost someone’s job in the long run. Arrive to work on time and start performing your daily duties on time. You are sure of job security once you do so.
4. Be Professional.
Professional ethics are very important in job security. Many people have lost their jobs today due to poor professional ethics. These dos and don’ts are very important today. e.g. we have Teachers’, doctors’, lawyers’ codes of conduct that align with their professions. -like descent dressing, responsibility, fairness, confidentiality, commitment etc. Failure to follow these professional ethics may make someone lose their job.
5. Always Meet The Job Demands.
Always complete your tasks within the specific period given. This will make the employee trust you. Avoid being that kind of person that is given a task then on feedback, you give excuses. It portrays a bad image that could cost you your job.
6. Have A Good Reputation At Work.
A good reputation or name is everything. If you do your work very well with transparency you are sure of job security. Avoid weird characters like stealing company property, forging documents, bribery etc. These characters will paint your name to a bad one and no one will trust you. Whatever equipment disappears in the company you will always be the first suspect.
7. Respect.
Respect is another key element here that is taken lightly yet it enhances job security. Respect everyone. Jobs of nowadays, someone could be your immediate supervisor yet you are more learnt than them. Another could be supervisor yet you are older than them. Donot look at these but rather respect them because in this context, they are your bosses. Lack of respect can make you lose your job.
8. Effective Communication.
It is an important thing to keep communication active and effective with your co-workers. Communication is important in every angle of life. Always speak up, be open and communicate. Tell your supervisor ‘i won’t come tomorrow, i have urgent situation’. They won’t wonder why you didn’t report the following day because you explained yourself.
9. Be A Problem Solver.
When faced with a challenge at work, try to sort it out. Donot always wait to report to your bosses the problem but you can as well give solutions. Think loud and come up with a possible solution to the problem at hand. By so doing, you are sure of job security. The bosses will know that even if they are not around, you can handle.
10. Volunteer .
Volunteering helps you to gain visibility. Speak up in meetings, volunteer to do company tasks that may come up. By so doing, your bosses will know you, who you really are and what you are capable of doing for the company. This leads to job security.
It is a very simple thing to keep your job secure today. It takes determination to enhance job security. You can do it if you follow the above 10-simple ways. Remember, no one would want to be unemployed at the time least expected.