What To Understand In Website Analytics: A Reliable Guide-5 Insights.

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website analytics
  • Visitors: These are people who come to your website to view, engage with you by commenting, liking, sharing and buying your products/services.
  • Pageviews: This is the “how many times” people have viewed or looked for a specific page on your website. For instance, if people view the About us page and Blog page, it will show 2 pageviews.
  • Bounce rate: This is the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing just one page. A high bounce rate might mean that people are not finding what they are looking for and vice versa is true.
  • Average time on page: Is the the amount of time visitors spend on a particular page. Are they spending much or little time on a particular page? If yes-why and if no-why?
  • Traffic sources: This is where your visitors who are flopping your website are coming from. Did they find your website through search engines like google, social media or your website address directly?
  • Engagement Rate: This means the percentage of visitors who complete a desired CTAs (Call To Actions). This means they like, comment, share, sign up for your services, subscribe etc.
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website analytics

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