1. Introduction:
Poverty is an undesirable state in a given country. How then can we actually come out of this situation? what ought to be done where? The bad side of poverty is that it makes peoples lives miserable .i.e. they go hungry for days, they sleep on streets-no shelter etc. This is because they can’t afford to live a good standard of living. However on a positive note any country can come out of this. Lets look at the things we can do to curb poverty and live happy lives again.
2. 10 Ways To Curb Poverty Today.
Fighting poverty is a joint thing. It takes the effort of the population itself plus the government to fight this today. Lets look at how to curb poverty in a simple way.
a) How The Population Itself Can Curb Poverty-4 Ways.
The population itself plays a very vital role in curbing poverty. The questions are do they want to come out of poverty?, are they ready to do what it takes?. I would say-however much people are given all it takes to come out of poverty but when they don’t take a step, its a waste of time. It takes you yourself, us or we ourselves to come out of this-How? Lets follow the steps below;
1. Be Creative.
Avoid being a job seeker, be a job maker. Use the skills you have to start up something. There is a big number of unemployed youths today because they are not creative. Instead of looking for jobs, youths should be advised to use those skills to start up something. With these, we are sure we can fight poverty out of our countries.

2. Connect With Others.
Socialize with others, meet up with new people of different calibers. By so doing, you are likely to get connection to new jobs, ideas, places etc. Sharing ideas with people can lead you to your destination. This will raise your standards of living hence you will come out of poverty.
3. Embrace The Saving Culture.
It is an important thing to always save some percentage of your earnings. Save part of that very little you earn, you don’t need to have much to save. The more you save the more you accumulate money for investment, sort other problems and are assured of a good standard of living. Some people don’t save at all which is bad. They spend all the money and have nothing kept aside for managing other issues that might come up. This leads to poverty.

4. Be Productive And Hardworking.
Make sure you use your time to be productive and hardworking. The effort one puts in is the yields they get. How are you using your time-are you doing something to earn you income? are you putting in all your effort?. Be hardworking for a purpose. You can be born from a poor family but if you work hard you can change that story. You can cross the poverty line with hardwork.
b) How The Government Can Curb Poverty Today-6 Ways.
The government can provide avenues to help the population come out of poverty. It can play a vital role in the following ways;
1. Review The Tax Policy.
The Government should review the tax policy. It should be noted that taxes help in the social-economic growth of a country e.g. infrastructure development like roads, hospitals etc. However, i would say there’s no essence in taxing even the extremely poor. People who cant even afford day-to-day basic needs like food and water. The Government should offer subsidized taxes to the poor or even exempt them from these taxes. And Furthermore, the Government should put more emphasis on who pays tax ? how much are they able to pay? how is their standard of living? before they subject them to these taxes. Taxing the poor will definitely worsen their situation. This will curb poverty.
2. Create More Jobs.
The Government should create more jobs, offer more opportunities to the unemployed. This is through investing in projects like industries etc. The Government should also encourage more investors to come and invest in the country so as to curb unemployment. These investors help to create more employment opportunities to the unemployed when they build industries, projects. Both skilled and unskilled labour gets occupied in these companies hence curbing poverty.
How To Create More Jobs In Developing countries-you tube.
3. Balanced Allocation Of Resources.
The Government should emphasize regional balancing of resources. Same resources should be allocated to different regions. This is to avoid some regions from having high standards of living whereas others have low standards of living. For instance, if the Government is building infrastructures like roads, industries, schools, hospitals etc., it should do the same in all regions. This is because these infrastructures come along with advantages like education, jobs etc.
4. Offer Free And Quality Education.
The Government should offer free and quality education to the public. For example, UPE (Universal Primary Education) and USE (Universal Secondary Education) is a Government program of free education for all. This is affordable by the poor who cannot afford school fees in private schools. However for quality to be achieved, they should recruit qualified teachers who give quality knowledge to the students. By so doing, students attain skills with which they can face the job market. This will raise their standards of living.
5. Sensitize The Public On Poverty.
The Government should sensitize the public on poverty especially on its possible the dangers. They should guide them on what to do so as to come out of this. Some people are poor and have admitted that fact since they believe there is nothing they can do about it. They have lost hope in themselves. So sensitizing them will do them more good, the lost hope will be regained. They will start changing their bad story-from i was born poor but i must not die poor.
6. Provide Free Health Care To All.
One’s health is a very crucial thing. For ‘health is wealth’. The government should ensure people are able to access free health services. I mean its so sad for one to fail to see a doctor just because they are poor. Everyone has a right to a healthy life. The Government should build more government hospitals which offer free health services to the poor. It should also employ professional doctors in these hospitals so that the poor too get quality medication.
Curbing poverty is a together thing to do. It takes the population itself and then the government as above. Any given country can come out of poverty if they follow the above ways on “how to curb poverty”. Poverty is undesirable for any given country so it should be fought against with all efforts. Its never too late to start off with the move.