1. Introduction:
Is your post not getting the results you want? Your content might be great -yes, but do you include clear call to actions to it so your readers know what to do next? Did you know that clear CTA’s can convert your page, post or website visitors into your clients, followers? If no, now you know. Truth be told is if you haven’t been including CTA’s in your posts, am afraid you’ve missed out on more clicks, comments, shares, sign ups or even sales-but hey not to worry, its not too late. Guidance greatly influences readers to take action.
Just imagine if every post you wrote had a clear guiding purpose of call to action, wouldn’t your post have a broader audience by now? It would! Now back on board, what do you really want the reader out there to do next after reading your post? Is it signing up for something like a service, newsletter, commenting or sharing content? -What outcome would you want?
Just to brainstorm abit, i thought we publish these posts with the aim of conveying a message to the reader. How then are we supposed to know they read our posts or there’s need to adjust somewhere if we donot get any feedback like comments, shares, clicks or even sign ups? This is where we come up with a topic of thought that ” Why does every post need a call to action”? In this context, we will look at the 10 reasons why its important to include the clear call to actions in our posts.
You don’t need to be harsh or even soft when including CTA’s in your post. Are you confused?-You shouldn’t get confused. Generally clear call to actions are more effective when you use clear and direct language. Be straightforward and direct to the point-its a Call to Action remember, it should influence immediate action. e.g. “Sign up now”, “Get started”, “Buy now”, “Upload”, Download”, “Subscribe now”, “Follow this link” etc. Now you know why you shouldn’t be harsh or soft-its CTA, action-oriented.
2. What Do We Mean By A Call To Actions?
Call to Actions (CTAs) is what guides a reader on what to do next. It can be a phrase or button or even link. For instance i have read your post, now what do you want me to do next for you to know i read it, do you want to know my thoughts on your post? What can i do to show support or i am interested in your services? Clear call to actions may also mean that feedback like when you comment on a post. I would say that basically CTA is that idea backed up by actions.
3. 10 Reasons Why Every Post Needs a Clear Call to Action.
1. Guides The Reader.
When you include a clear call to action in your post, its like you are giving them directions so that they don’t get lost. e.g. like, comment and share. You literally guide the reader on what to next. You ought to know that if it is your post, you ultimately have the right to influence the possible outcomes.
2. Increases The Level Of Engagement.
Clear call to actions build that bond between the reader and the content. Asking them to like, comment and share means they are engaged. It means they are taken up, involved, part of and interact with you either directly or indirectly.
3. Boosts Sales.

If you want to boost/increase your sales, choose the CTA’s you use wisely. You could say “buy now, order now, grab the deal, learn more, check out”. These encourage people to purchase your goods and services.
4. Builds/Grows Your Audience.
Using CTA’s like “follow me for more, subscribe” can help grow your audience. Take an example, you have a created a U-tube channel, you post there content but keep including the CTA like subscribe. People will subscribe and before you know it, your audience will have grown in no time.
5. Helps To Clarify Purpose.
By using call to actions you define the main purpose of your blog. You clarify to your readers your main purpose-they get to know whether its to inform, entertain or sell products/services. This guides the readers to know how to treat your content, page/post.
6. Encourage Action.
Some readers just read posts and leave them there. Including clear call to actions therefore could help you guide such readers. For instance clear call to actions like, like, comment, share will encourage them take action. They will be left with no option than to like, comment and even share your post.
7. Helps Readers In Decision Making.
A reader will read your post but is debating on what next to do. They’ll be asking themselves that now what should i leave here, should i like, share, comment, purchase, order? This therefore implies that you giving them a way forward in CTA clarity, you help simplify their debate on which decision to make.
8. Broadens Your Social Audience.
Telling your readers to “share your post” can broaden your social audience. Once your post is shared to many people or platforms, many people get involved and engaged. This means that the more it is shared the more likes, views, comments, shares, sales and clearly its a broad audience.
9. Gathers The Right Feedback.
Clear call to actions like “tell us what you think” help to gather the right feedback. This is because you are directly telling the reader to tell you the right feedback. Such clear call to actions will encourage the reader to tell you what they feel/think about the post even if it is negative, they will tell you in the comments.
10. It Increases Click Through Rates.
Clear call to actions like “read more and learn more” increase click through rates. This is because when they click on these links they are taken to another page. This broadens the reader’s areas of exploring in learning/reading.
Lets learn from these 10 reasons above that every post needs clear call to actions. You will see that each CTA guides the reader in some way or the other to effect an action-for instance to like, comment, share, purchase a product or service. It also guides the reader to know the real purpose/intention of your post and treat it with the respect it deserves. These and so many more will help you know the importance of clear call to actions and which one to use where.
What Makes A Good Call To Action-You Tube
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