It is a possible for anyone to live longer today. You may wonder that how is it even possible? For it is true that we don’t know our fate of life.-I mean life is a mystery. No one knows what tomorrow could bring because we don’t have power over life. We are prone to so many uncertainties of life e.g. accidents, prolonged sickness and death.
However, despite all those fears that we can’t run away from, we will not burry ourselves in sorrow. Now that we know life is uncertain, we should live it to our best. Value every single moment in this life, be happy and chill till one day when it ends. This is where we come up with a topic of thought-“How to live longer”.
To live longer means that period you spend when you are alive on earth from the time you where born. It means staying alive and healthy for many more years. The many more additional years you celebrate life.
3.10 Ways To Live Longer Today.
1. Eat Well And Sleep Well.
Be sure to have a good meal. A good meal gives satisfaction to both the body and soul. A good meal should be accompanied with a good sleeping space at the end of the day i.e. sleep in a very comfortable space. By so doing, you are doing a good deed to your life hence a longer life.
2. Avoid Stress.
Though we live in a life prone to many stress factors, we should avoid stress. Stress can shorten one’s life, it can lead to self hate, depression and suicidal thoughts. Stress makes one’s life so miserable and unhappy. It should be avoided inorder to live longer today.
3. Be Mindful Of Your Health.
Always go for medical check up to be sure no sickness develops in your body without your notice. Remember the earlier you notice a certain complication in your body, the easier to treat it. Don’t give sickness room to reach the chronic level where the doctors will say “it is too late”. Don’t take checking your health status lightly because it could shorten your life before your time.
4. Be Cautious To Avoid Getting Hurt.
Be cautious when you are on the road to avoid accidents that could cost your life. Look left and right before crossing and if its hard for you, use the zebra crossing. Avoid getting involved in dangerous games like climbing a long pawpaw tree that is weak and can easily break. Avoid fighting with sharp objects like needle, knife, spear etc. All these could end someone’s life before their time.
5. Love Your Life.
Do you know that loving your life is the key to longer life?. Once you love yourself, you don’t want to involve yourself in anything fishy that could cause harm to your life. You will take care of your life. There’s a way you will keep safeguarding your life from anything that puts your life at stake. You avoid bad peer groups, crimes etc.
6. Do Exercises.
Exercises help make your body physically fit and fresh. Do some bit of jogging, squats from any convenient place. This will keep you from getting some complications in the body like diabetes, obesity etc.
7. Hydrate Your Body.
Always drink plenty of water or fluids to keep your body hydrated. Avoid staying for so long without drinking water. Lack of fluids in the body can make you feel sick e.g. you will start feeling headache yet its just water you need to get better. This is a journey for one to live longer.
8. Connect With Family And Friends.
Call up your family members or friends and chat with them. Create time and pay them a visit, chill, laugh and enjoy together. Share both sad and good moments with them. Remember ‘alone’ company is dangerous. This will help you live longer.
9. Smile And Laugh Easily.
Heartfelt laughter itself is a healing. Always smile and laugh whenever you face a new day. This will help you to live a longer life because whenever a bad thought comes to your mind, the smile erases it away.
10. Be Hardworking.
Hardwork will give you a source of livelihood where you rely on for survival. Many people die before their time because they are poor. Poverty makes one totally negative about life and they give up so easily on themselves. So once you have money to survive, you have hope of the future and you can live longer.
Living a long life starts with you yourself. How you think about life, how you act somehow determines how longer you are going to live. Even though we are not certain about our fate on earth, we shouldn’t live in regrets, misery. We should embrace the 10 simple ways to live a happy life above even if we are uncertain of the future.