1. Introduction:
Many people today look at leadership as something so hectic that they can never go for. Forget the hectic part of it because hey, nothing comes easily-you are simply fearing responsibility here. On a positive note however, leadership isn’t really born but made. There’s a lot of added advantages that come with leadership that you will stand to enjoy if you embraced it today.
2. What Is Leadership?
Leadership is when one is able to guide, influence, represent and inspire people in various perspectives of life towards a common goal. It involves guiding people in making relevant decisions, solving problems and giving direction etc.
3. 8 Added Advantages Of Leadership Today.
Leadership is beneficial to the leader themselvelves, the people they are serving and to the country at large. Lets look at the 10 added advantages of leadership today.
1. It Builds Confidence.
As i said earlier on, ‘a leader is not necessarily born but made’. This means anyone today can become a leader if determined. Your roles and responsibilities you play as a leader build you each day. You become more confident and bold each day. e.g. if you are made a leader yet you used to fear people, the fear starts disappearing slowly by slowly each day you stand infront of the crowd to give a speech.
2. Helps You To Grow.
The roles that are attached to your position help you to grow. Whenever you perform theses roles, you grow spiritually, emotionally, mentally and even physically. Why? Because each day you are dealing with different situations as a leader. You learn lessons everyday when you perform your duties and the build you hence growth.
3. Teamwork.
Leadership brings about oneness and unity. A leader fosters team spirit in the people they lead or represent. This is because they are all working towards a common goal. For example, once a leader says lets have a meeting on a certain date, everyone listens and does just that. This builds teamwork.

4. Mentor Others.
Leaders are meant to be mentors. People that others look up to. You become someone that people admire to be someday in future. This means you are their mentor. e.g. most students today are studying to be like some politicians in future e.g. the Presidents, Headteachers, Doctors etc. This is because they admire them so they are their mentors.
5. Respect.
You earn yourself respect from others when you become a leader. People will always address you with maximum respect, they will always recognize you in gatherings e.g. clan meetings, funerals, functions etc. You become that kind of person that people respect and not fear.

6. Exposure.
Due to the roles attached to you as a leader, you can easily get exposed. Most people get more exposed once they become leaders. i.e. you get exposed to new places, different people with different calibers, different environments etc. This is because certain roles may need you to attend meetings, go for a tour in a given place, meet famous people etc.
7. New Opportunities.
Being a leader isn’t something that should be taken lightly be it at church home or wherever. There’s a way you will easily chance to get other opportunities because you are a leader. how? Someone somehow will see potential in you because of how you manage to lead others in that small position that you yourself minimize. You could get sponsorships, new jobs etc.,. because you are a leader.
8. You Influence Others.
Leadership builds you with skills to influence others. People will automatically listen to you because you are their leader and they chose you. The truth is that most people will want a leader because they want to be guided, represented and inspired. They feel they can’t do on their own. So once you are able to influence others to do certain things for their success, you build your leadership skills.
Though leadership comes along with more responsibility, its for a good cause. The added advantages attached to leadership say it all as above. Embrace leadership and enjoy its fruits today. Remember there’s no ‘eating without sweating’ in everything today.
6 Common Leadership Styles And How To Decide Which One To Use.