For criminal cases, people encounter criminal happenings everyday today. e.g. hasn’t someone ever snatched your bag from you at the bus park? hasn’t someone raped a young girl? hasn’t another killed somebody in your community? We have seen and heard these things happen. Are you then wondering what causes these? Criminal cases are caused by social, economic and political factors. Lets look there are break them down.
Quotes On Criminal cases.
2. What Are Criminal Cases?
Criminal cases are wrong acts that you do that break the law and are you are held accountable to the government. If a person involves themselves in wrong acts like robbery, murder, rape etc. These are regarded as criminal cases-meaning its you verses the law. The government accuses you for breaking the law and are subjected to a penalty if proven guilty. You can be fined or jailed.
3. 10 Causes Of High Criminal Cases These Days.
1. Unemployment.
When labour that is ready to work fails to get a job, they become unemployed. Now someone who is unemployed has no source of income but expects to survive. How? This automatically leads to criminal cases because in the urge to look for survival they will end up stealing, pick-pocketing in towns etc.
2. Peer Group Influence.
Peer group influence can lead to criminal cases. If your kind of company are thugs, to fit in-you will be forced to become a thug too. This is because you are afraid that you will be chased from that particular group if you don’t become part of their character.
3. Poverty.
If people are poor to the extent of not being able to afford basic needs like food and shelter-this is bad. They may resort to criminal activities to be able to handle their situation e.g. theft, gambling etc. All this criminal activities will be poverty driven.
4. Drug Abuse.
Many youths today are using various drugs like marijuana, cocaine, alcohol etc. Excessive intake of these drugs can lead to criminal cases. This is because they may make you act like someone without conscience. Some of these drugs give you excess energy then you end up causing violence, they influence your character.
5. Disagreements In Families/Relationships.
There’s a whole lot of cases of domestic violence in families/relationships today because of disagreements. You find that a step mother poisoned a child, a man beat up his wife, a child killed their father etc. These such cases are on the rise today due to disagreements on finances, marriage issues etc. Disagreements often occur when a family fails to sit down and rectify issues.
6. Moral Decay.
Moral decay is the gradual decline in moral behavior. Its behavior that shows “i don’t care attitude”. Its behavior that shows low morals-doing evil acts like someone who doesn’t have conscience. Without thinking of your reputation or even how society will see it. e.g. incest, indecent dressing, prostitution, vulgar language. The deterioration in moral values today has greatly led to the rise of criminality today. e.g. a child will abuse an elder, a young girl will snatch someone’s husband, we have lesbians and homosexuals etc.
7. Revenge.
Some criminal cases today are due to revenge. Someone may have a clean name but because they hurt them, they opt for revenge and go criminal. e.g. If family A knocked B’s kid to death by accident, family B in the urge to revenge will do the same to make sure they also bury theirs. Revenge is-an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Revenge is often done because many people don’t trust the court’s ruling so they will feel taking laws in their hands sorts issues to their satisfaction.
8. Greed.
Greed leads to criminality. Some people are never contented with what they have, they want more and more. That’s why we have cases of corruption today-squandering money meant for public funds to personal use. We have cases of killing innocent people just to take over their positions, taking over one’s land. All this is caused by greed-wanting more and more.
9. Difference In Political Ideologies.
Different people have different political ideologies. Different people are attached to certain political parties in a political wing. If a certain political party wins, others might not agree- yet of course there should be only one winner in any race. They might resort to criminal activities like violence because they have failed to accept defeat.
10. Easy Access To Weapons.
Some people indulge in criminal activities because they have easy access to weapons. Its very easier for someone with a gun to rob, kill and be corrupt. Guns are meant to be used by security officials to keep law and order. However a person will use a gun today for illegal purposes like breaking into people’s houses at night to rob them or even kill them.
The causes of criminal activities are too many to exhaust. Criminal cases are mostly influenced by so many things. However we can look at some 10 of them above. Criminal cases are caused by different factors from poverty, unemployment and others today.