1. Introduction:
In today’s era, education is the real key to success. Education is the best investment i must say, every parent can ever give to their child today. Why? Some people have a wrong perception that it is a wastage of time and money to educate a child because what if they don’t get jobs.-However, i must say that, a literate person who is unemployed is far better than an illiterate who is employed and earning. Education is the source of knowledge and skills to an individual. Everyone needs education because everything tends to focus on it today.
Education Quotes.
2. What Is Education.
Education is the process of teaching, instilling knowledge in a learner and then the person perceives it for their success. An example is a teacher teaching students skills in a particular lesson or field. Education happens in schools, institutions or wherever people decide to learn skills from be it home or under the tree.
3. 10 Reasons Why Education Is The Best Investment A Parent Can Ever Give To Their Child.
The best investment a parent can ever give to their children today is education-why? due to the following reasons;
1. Lifetime Knowledge And Skills.
When a parent takes their child to school and invests in their education, their future is certain. This is because they get to learn knowledge and skills from school. Knowledge learnt at school covers all questions of why, how, when, what, from where and whom to. These are day to day questions that everybody encounters in their life and they are for a lifetime.
2. Earn More.
The more knowledge and skills a person gains in learning, the more experienced they become and the more they earn. An example here is, the services of a doctor who is a specialist in a certain field is on high demand and earns more. This is because he is a specialist and now has more experience in that field .e.g. a specialist in women (a gynecologist).
3. Job Security.
To keep your job secure, you should have a high level of qualification, experience, knowledge or skills. A given company will not think of replacing you because you have all skills it takes for that particular job. Instead, they will retain you because you are beneficial to their company. So invest in education for job security reasons.
4. Exposure.
With education, you become easily exposed to different things. You can operate social media because you know how to use a smartphone, you meet people of different calibers, different cultures etc. There’s a lot of exposure when you are a learnt person, you get to know how certain things flow.
5. Education Is A Story Changer.
I know of those families that had miserable backgrounds, very poor. But because they invested in educating their children, the bad story changes somehow to good. With the skills the children have achieved they have gotten opportunities -they have changed their home story e.g. built good houses for their parents and put them to some standard.
6. Makes People Creative.
You will not fail to get something to do because you are learnt and have the skills. If with the skills you have you fail to get a job you will start up something. You will use your knowledge to be creative, come up with something out of which you will be earning. E.g. if you did business courses, you will start up your business easily.
7. Work Smart.
You may not need to do the hardwork so much because you are clearly skilled. You will do the soft work. E.g. the engineers, professors etc. mostly do the soft work. This makes you work smart whereby you donot need to use a lot of energy but mostly the brain. Other people do the hardwork for you. e.g. a consultant in a hospital will do the consultancy work and leave the rest to the nurse. They are paid highly-i.e. consultation fee and that is soft work.
8. You Represent Others.
People will always choose you because they feel you are in better position to represent them. This is because you are learnt-can read and write.
9. You Are Open To Opportunities.
If you are educated you can easily get any opportunity that comes up. This is because of the skills you have. With jobs mostly you must have certain skills to succeed . So education builds you with these skills and you find chancing from this job to another.
10. Earn Respect In Society.
If you are learnt people will accord you some respect. They will address you with some respect. e.g. they will call you sir, madam. In addition still on respect, society will always involve you. -like in clan meetings, community developments etc.
In conclusion, education is the real deal today. Everyone should embrace it for its benefits. It stands out as the best investment any parent can give to their children basing on the above reasons.