1. Introduction:
Writers often make many “common mistakes” in blogs. Writing blog posts is an exciting experience. It is a way of of sharing your thoughts, ideas, information or even promote your business. However, we all know that we ain’t saints. Did you know that even those “best writers” we look up to are prone to making these common mistakes in writing,- like spelling and grammar errors?
Now, are you new to writing blogs or have been doing it? Have you been wondering why your posts have been having-lower engagements, poor SEO performance ? How then does this post value you? You are going to learn about the 7 common mistakes you often make in your blog that make it ineffective and why you should avoid them. This implies that once you learn them, you will now avoid them and watch your blog go heights. Isn’t it what we all want in blogging?

2. What Are Common Mistakes In Writing Blog Posts?
- Common mistakes are those errors writers often make while writing a blog post. Some of these errors are intentional while others are unintentional. They maybe unintentional because the writer might have less knowledge and experience in blogging and is not aware or might just forget.
- Common mistakes are intentional in cases where the writer for instance ignores the SEO tools and plugin warnings. The SEO tools like Yoast warns you when you overuse your keyword that, keyword density is high-to mean you are over “stuffing” it. These such common mistakes greatly affect your bog.
3. The 7 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Writing A Blog Post.
1. Lack Of Proper Planning.
This is often unintentional. Most of us just get excited about a certain post and we just start writing without planning. This is because we are eager to just write. However its always important to plan before starting to write. It gives you a clear flow of how exactly to structure your post so that you donot share your ideas in vain. Try to avoid such common mistakes in blogging.
2. Not Certain Of The Audience.
Most people just do the writing without asking themselves,-who am i writing for, why? This is often unintentional. These are common mistakes that writers, mostly those who are new to blogging often make. They don’t really know their audience. Its always important to write your blog with your audience in mind. I mean how does your post value them? Does it address their needs, offer solutions and keep them engaged? Always have the reader’s interests in your mind.
3. Neglecting SEO.

Neglecting SEO maybe unintentional. A writer may not be well versed with SEO, may not know how to optimize their blog. It should be noted that paying attention to SEO is very important. It helps search engines find and rank your blog posts.
I mean what is the essence of writing a good blog post with useful information intended for the audience yet it stays hidden? If you want your post to “rank” highly in the search engines, don’t skip the course below. You will learn all SEO tips you need to know inorder to rank highly in the search engines.
Complete SEO Course for Beginners: Learn to Rank #1 in Google
4. Not Adding Images.
What all writers should know is, most readers are attracted to posts that have images, illustrations. They find such posts more appealing to read. Neglecting images maybe unintentional but its always important to include them in your posts. This is because there’s a way visuals tend to engage the audience more than those posts without. Avoid this common mistake
5. Using Complicated Language.
Using complicated shouldn’t be intentional. I mean why would you choose to use complicated language in your blog? Why would you want readers to go through a real tough time, to understand the message you are trying to convey in your post? Do you know that readers out there are going through a lot and would avoid anything that bothers them?
If your blog is complicated to read, they would rather look for simpler blogs. Therefore, before you plan on using complicated language in your blog, always remember;
- You are not the only writer that readers will stick to you alone, even when your blogging language is complicated.
- Search engines will always opt for posts in simpler language. They give their searchers what’s best for them.
Why Using Simple Language is Important for Online Content-10 Insights.
6. No Call To Action.(CTA)

Call To Actions help guide the reader on “what next” after reading the post. Writers often forget to include CTA’s in their posts e.g. like, comment, share, order now. Lets look at what’s the intention of your post? Do you intend to market some product? Are you sharing your thoughts or information?
If you have any intention of writing your blog, it means you are telling a reader out there about it. How then are you supposed to know what they think about your intention- I mean do they like it, are they interested? Its only one way-their feedback when they comment, like, share, sign up etc. Readers need to be guided to take action in every post.
Why Does Every Post Need A Clear Call to Actions? 10-Reasons.
7. Not Adding Links.
Now links are very important in the SEO ranking. Lets give an example in lay man’s language. Timothy is a millionaire and famous, you are his best friend but you are poor. Now because you are Timothy’s best friend, you become famous too. Whenever they mention Timothy they mention you too. A loan officer will give you a loan simply because you gave in Timothy as your guarantor. In this scenario, we see that Timothy has greatly lifted John’s status to a high one despite his background.
This is exactly what linking to “reliable sources” does to your post. Adding internal and external links in your posts adds a bonus to your posts. Links are most likely going to make your posts rank highly in the search engines. Avoid such common mistakes.
Learn more in this training and earn yourself a certificate, its a free course-Yoast Online SEO course, Learn vital SEO skills that you can apply at once!
There are so many common mistakes writers often make in blogging. However i focused on the 7 common ones as above that i felt we needed to learn so that our posts reach heights. Avoiding these common mistakes can help you create blog posts that not only capture your readers’ attention but also keep them coming back for more. Remember blogging gets more fun once posts get positive outcomes.
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