Have you ever wondered why experience is said to be the best teacher? It simply means experience teaches real life lessons. Allow me say that claiming to have knowledge in something but gat no experience in it is just “empty bragging”. In this context, we are mainly focused on that experience that counts, that experience that’s backed up with actions and not just words. I mean -what can you do, which skills can you possibly apply in hands on and not what you think you know. Did you know that there’s experience beyond books, i mean hands on, life lessons and situations? Lets look at why experience is regarded as the best teacher below;
Experience Quotes
2. What Is Experience?
Experience means having an idea in mind and being able to do it in reality. Its basically what you learnt when you practiced something that you have in mind. Experience is that skill you have of doing things, those lessons you learn when you do something. Some experiences are learnt when people go through some situations e.g. Someone can have experience in problem solving because they have practically gone through some personal problems.
3. 10 Reasons Experience Is Regarded As The Best Teacher, Hands On Beyond Books.
1. Learning Is Practical.
With gaining experience, we learn skills by doing-i mean hands on. There’s no other better way of gaining experience apart from hands on learning. This is one of the more reasons experience is regarded the best teacher. You learn by practicing. In practice is where you make mistakes and where you learn from lessons out of which you gain skills.
2. Real World Lessons.
Experience gives us practical knowledge that books can’t always provide. You could be faced with a challenge but then you just need to apply your inborn IQ and common sense to sort it. In another context, you can cook food but the real experience is actually through tasting it. Tasting it will help you tell the outcome when you mix various ingredients.
3. Builds Confidence:
Experience builds your confidence. When you learn the art, the skills and lessons in doing something, it means you have experience in it. This implies you have confidence because you can show what you are capable of doing with boldness. The more you explore the act of hands on, the more you perfect and the more your confidence grows. e.g. a doctor who has treated many patients with certain complications has gotten enough skills on how to deal with various patients, they know which medication to prescribe for them.
4. Personal Growth.
There’s that sense of personal growth you get when you know how to do certain things. That feeling of “i have dealt with this before”. Experience adds to our personal growth, it makes us wiser when faced with challenges, resilient and we can face all the twists and turns of life.
5. Immediate Feedback:
Hands on experience helps you get immediate feedback. You get to know whether what you did was right or wrong. You quickly realize where there’s need to adjust and put things right. For instance you might be learning how to build a house then you give it a try. How it looks like after building will help you tell whether its perfect or where you need to adjust. This is why we say experience is the best teacher.
6. Emotional Intelligence.
Experience helps you to easily understand your emotions. Experience is regarded as the best teacher because its helps you understand your emotions better. You can tell which experiences of life make you sad and those which make you happy. Experiencing certain situations in life like sickness can make someone sad while birthday celebrations make you happy.
7. It Makes You Creative.
Experience is the best teacher because it makes one creative. Once you keep doing things that is hands on you learn. You gain skills, you make mistakes and you learn lessons. These experiences make you more creative that you come up with something new like possible solutions, new ideas and new skills. Now this is the experience we are talking of that is beyond books.
8. Builds Resilience.
Experience makes you resilient. Most people who have lots of experiences in life have learnt so many lessons. They become more resilient even when things tend to be tough. They face challenges without fear and face life without being shaken. This makes experience the best teacher of life.
Experience is indeed the best teacher, going beyond what books can teach. Through hands-on learning, we gain practical knowledge, problem-solving skills, confidence etc. Embracing hands on learning helps us grow, adapt, and continue building us to become stronger and capable of facing life’s challenges.
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1 thought on “Why Experience Is Regarded As The Best Teacher, Hands On- Beyond Books Today-10 Reasons.”
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!