1. Introduction:
Understanding life is in a broad perspective. People define life in different ways depending on how best they understand it. Some people define life basing on situations they face/go through on a daily basis. In this context however, we will look at what is life, the 10 different perspectives in understanding life and in details. From its purpose, to happiness, to relationships etc, that you will get to explore as you read on below;
2. What Is Life?
As i said earlier on, life is defined in various perspectives. Allow me put it this way, what you have in thought about life is true too because that’s your own perspective. Lets define life as that existence of an individual or animal from the time of their conception to birth and finally to death. However, in this context we are mainly focusing on human life and not animals.
3. 10 Insights On Understanding life Today.
We are going to learn about the 10 insights in understanding life today. This will help us understand life even more. Lets look at the purpose of life today.
1. 6 Ways To Understanding The Purpose Of Life Today-
What everyone must know is that there’s that purpose of life that we are all meant to live towards. It is very important that we understand the purpose of life. Asking ourselves questions like why to live, how to and for whom to live?, can help us realize the purpose of life. Lets explore the 6 ways to explore and find that purpose of our life today.
1. Self-Reflection:

Self reflection is that time you create for you. Its that one on one time you have with your inner self. That deep thought within you where you sit down or lie in the middle of the night and meditate when the world is calm. Meditation will help you realize your mistakes in life, your happy and sad moments. This helps you define your purpose in life.
2. Set Goals:
Goals help to tune your mindset towards your purpose in life. I mean what is your goal in life?, are your goals short term of long-term?, do they align with your interests and values? etc. These questions will give you an answer, which answer is your purpose of living. It is very important to set goals in life e.g. career goals, good health goals etc.
3. Be Creative.
Its a good thing to be creative. Someone out there might be living a life without purpose, a life with no goals, motives, intention-they live by miracle. However, once they become creative, they explore so many things. They learn new skills, new ideas, new motives. This helps to drive them to their purpose in life.
4. Acts Of Kindness.
Showing empathy to others like helping the elderly, the needy, the street children are acts of kindness. What we have to know about helping others is that it’s one of the key purposes we have in this life. This is because the good you do to others automatically comes to you someday. Put a smile on a gloomy face, offer food to the hungry, give some of your clothes to the ones who lack, by so doing you are fulfilling your purpose in life and understanding life in depth.
Biblical view on purpose of life-31 Powerful Bible Verses About Helping Others.
5. Follow Your Dreams:
Sometimes people give up on their dreams so fast. Dreams are meant to be lived so follow them. I agree that some dreams we have might not be working out as per our expectations but why did you have that dream in the first place?. You ought to follow your dreams you never know its out of which you get some other opportunities and connections. Its out of which you will get to know your purpose in life and help you in understanding life.
6. Be Resilient:
Sometimes challenges of life are a blessing in disguise. They teach you to be strong and a hard nut to crash. They build you to become a resilient person who can face anything. Challenges get us out of comfort zone and get us thinking of plan BCDE…etc. They teach us lessons and they make us bold hence help us discover our purpose in life.
Its a good move for you to understand life today. If you donot understand life today, you will live like a blindman. Its important that you learn what life really is and you understand the purpose of life. Inorder to learn the purpose of life you must explore and learn life’s lessons. This will tune you to live with a purpose.
Understanding The Purpose For Your Life – Dr. Myles Munroe I Woman Without Limits-You Tube.