You can have all knowledge in the world but when you got no experience i would say its “no knowledge at all”. That’s why today, institutions give room for internships to their students. Have you been thinking you are good to go yet you don’t have the experience it takes? We learn lessons by doing. Remember ‘Experience is the best teacher’. However i would say you not only need to go to school to gain experience-its a broad thing.
2. What Is Experience?
Experience is that skill you learn while you get doing something. It means hands on something e.g. have you ever played football, have you ever been an accountant?-if yes which skills did you gain. Did you learn the skill of dodging someone in football or did you learn how to balance books? It may also mean lessons you learnt because you have been in some situation
3. 10Ways On How Best To Gain Experience Today.
The simple ways to gain experience today are;
1. Get Doing Something.
Donot be in comfort zone because you feel you have the idea in mind. Try it out, do it. Doing something about this idea makes you perfect and you learn lessons. That’s why you see some doctors are recommended and others are not. Because one has profession, another has experience. Someone will tell you “take your patient to dr. Sam, i trust him -he gave me the right medication that healed me”.
Electrical Work Images
2. Be Open To Learning.
Because you failed to do it perfectly shouldn’t stop you from trying again tomorrow. Do not shy away from learning. No one knows it all, everyday is an opportunity to learn something new. Be it online, from friends, learn how they do certain things. Learning on your own is even better.
3. Participate in internships.
Almost every institution has internship programs for their students at a certain time during their course period. Do not miss out. This is an opportunity to practice what they have been teaching at school. i.e. at school they will teach you record keeping in theory, internship the real book will be there. Your internship supervisor will tell you to write down some records in that book. You do what you are seeing and touching.
4. Connect With Skilled People.
Make friends with people who add knowledge to you not lousy people. Lousy people will not add any knowledge instead they will even take away the little knowledge you have. Skilled people will give you room to learn their skills bit by bit and this is how you gain experience.
5. Be A Volunteer.
In the knowledge and experience quest, do not be money minded. Look at what you are learning out of it. Volunteer to help someone do their work for your own benefit. Remember the more you do it the more you learn lessons about that field.
6. Be Determined.
A determined mind is always after it. Are you determined to gain experience? If you are, nothing can stop you from gaining the experience you need in life. You will definitely gain it if you want to. This is because you will do all it takes.
7. Take Up Online Courses.
Online courses are so comfortable for many than actually going to the University and attend lectures physically. Apply for any course you want to learn about and learn online. Before you know it, you will be done and will have gained the skills.
8. Visit Grand Parents/Aged People.
These old people have all wisdom to guide. Interact with these people, they will surely share some skills with you. e.g. they will tell you the herbs they used for babies not to fall sick anyhow etc. These old men have personal experiences that will motivate you and build you. “Old age is wisdom”
In Conclusion, experience is something very easy if you are determined. Be creative and put your ideas into practice. By doing this and the rest above, you will learn lessons that will make you a great person today.