You do not need to have money to be kind-no. There are a lot of small things you can do to show kindness to someone. Is someone sick, is someone in need or is another heartbroken?-show kindness. You will realize that there is power in kindness if you do it. That soothing smile someone shows once you help them is something worth clapping for. However, do not show kindness with a motive of expecting something in return-it should be out of free will. Lets look at how to do this below;
Kindness Quotes.
2. What Is Kindness?
Kindness is showing love and care to people around you. It’s how nice you treat others. Treating others how you would love to be treated is what best defines kindness. Its a good experience to be kind, do not be mean to others who need your help.
I Once met a stranger who didn't know the Local Language of my home place. This Lady had come to sell health products in our area but because of language barrier she got stuck. Just then God Helped that i met her and i realized that she was struggling to communicate in our local language. When we interacted, She told me her tribe. luckily enough i had ever stayed in her home village too some few years back when i went visiting my Auntie who is married in their Village. I knew her language and she was so happy when she realized this.
To cut the story short, i helped her translate her communication in the local language until she sold off all her products. She was so happy with me that she appreciated me at last therefore we carried on with our friendship till date. I was so happy too because i was able to help.
This means that anyone can be kind, it doesn't cost you so much to show kindness to someone.
3. 10 Small Acts That Show Kindness Today.
1. Smile And Laugh Easily.
Avoid wearing a gloomy face all day. Smile at someone, laugh with them. This looks to be a small act but it makes a big impact in someone’s life. A smile is something so soothing and heartfelt laughter kills anger. It makes one to forget all that has been bothering them. Can’t you do just this, money isn’t the only thing to show you are nice.
2. Greet People.
Show kindness by greeting people. This is a simple thing to do but hard for many. Say hi, good morning/afternoon/evening to family, neighbors and strangers you meet along the way. It doesn’t cost you much-its just a greeting but its something big to someone. It simply shows you are a caring person.
3. Help When There’s Need.
Be ready to help someone whenever they need your help. Helping is a bit broad. Sometimes you may want to help but you can’t do it directly. You may need a second party for the victim to be rescued e.g. If you find some guys hitting someone violently, you may need to call police on them. Help someone cross the road if you realize it is hard for them. These are acts of kindness.
4. Visit The Sick.
Volunteer your time once in a while and visit the sick. Your presence alone gives them a sense of healing. Tell them comforting words even if their conditions are worse. Tell them they will surely be healed and live, pray with them. This shows them that you care about them and you are with them even in their bad days.
5. Show Respect To All People.
Do not undermine/overlook people. Respect everyone. Respect your elders, parents and everyone. Do not think so highly of yourself because you have a bachelors degree or whatever. Greet elders, obey what they tell you to do. This is an act of kindness today.
6. Share With Others.
Sharing is caring. Share the little you have with those who don’t have. Share food, clothes, notes, knowledge with others. Share with the needy, the orphans, street kids, the aged, lame etc. This portrays kindness.
7. Be Understanding.
Someone might make a mistake and everyone is blaming them. But do you realize that if you came up and said “its okay, mistakes are made by humans, she will be a better person” shows kindness to that person? -Why?. She will feel you understand how it feels being blamed if you were in her shoes.
8. Apologize When You Are Wrong.
Many people don’t know that mere saying sorry is kindness. And it is hard for many people today to apologize or admit their wrongs. Apologize, admit what you did was not right. Simply say “i m sorry” and be forgiven. It will make the both of you live freely. This shows you care and are kind at others.
9. Show Gratitude Where Need Be.
Simply say “thank you” when given something. This means you truly appreciate the gift you were given and are grateful. Its a good feedback . Its shows that you are glad they gave that gift to you and you appreciate their efforts.
10. Sympathize With Others.
I mean someone just lost a mother and you don’t show any concern. Say ‘its a pity, take heart”. These are comforting words which strengthen this person. Give your condolences and stand by them during the trying period. This is an act of kindness.
There are so many simple things you and i can do to show kindness to others. However lets grasp these 10 to guide us. You learn that anyone can show kindness be it a small kid. Lets make this world a better place for all of us. Be the reason for another’s smile today.