You may not see the reason to be your “self employed” today. You maybe too comfortable being an employee somewhere-right? You may say “i haven’t experienced any pressure or tension at work, my boss is good”-yes. But come to think of it, what if the company collapsed or you are laid off, what next?. Come on. You will agree with me that there are some more benefits you will enjoy when your self employed but “never” enjoy them being an employee. Lets look at the benefits below.
2. The 10 Top-Best Benefits Of Being Self Employed Today.
Being self employed means doing your thing, all work decisions are yours. It means earning out of working for yourself rather than working for another. Somebody who creates/starts their own work or projects is self employed. There are several benefits that come along with this. Lets look at the 10 top benefits that you can rely on today.
1. You Gain Self Confidence.
Self confidence means you believe in yourself and trust your abilities. I wouldn’t want to sound rude but i would say, people who are not self employed yet lack self confidence. Being your own boss today takes self belief, being bold enough, putting your fears behind you. Become your own boss today and gain self confidence to face the world.
2. It Is An Eye Opener.
That day you cease being an employee and become self employed, is the day your eyes will be opened. It will clearly be like a ‘prison break’ to you. Being own boss gives you a clear view of things in many ways. You get to meet new friends with new ideas, you learn so much etc.
3. You Work At Your Own Convenient Time.
With being self employed, no one gives you program but you program yourself. You schedule your own convenient time. You perform your tasks according to your own timetable hence a benefit. For example you can say i will rest during day and ‘balance books of accounts’ at night. That is your convenient time.
4. You Work With Ease.
You do your work with no pressure or tension. This is what everybody would love as far as working is concerned. Not working on command- ‘do this or that’ even when you would rather do it later. You work with a lot of ease. Do you realize that even if it is a simple task but because someone is after you ‘do this now’, are you done?, the task becomes hard?
5. Your Earn High Incomes.
One thing with being self employed is you are at it-it is yours. There’s that sense of thought that makes you feel you really own it. So you do it with passion and determination. There’s literally ‘no limit’ to what you can achieve. If you say i want to earn in ‘bulk’ this year you do, because you work towards it. There’s power in owning something-own boss.
6. You Become A Risk Taker.
Being your own boss, you take risks any time you feel like. You are not limited to risking because you are on your own. Unfortunately, you can ‘never ‘do this when you are an employee because you are scared of spoiling company property. But once you are self employed, you take risks without the worry. Once its a loss its yours, once it works out -well and good, its still yours.
7. You Recruit Your Own Labour.
You yourself decide which employees you want to work with. You make your own job descriptions that align with what you want. i.e. do you want someone with a certificate, diploma or bachelors degree?, do you want to employ them full time or part time. You take overall decision on these so that you get to work with people who align with your values.
8. You Become Flexible.
You are not fixed on one role. This is because you are not an employee but are self employed-own boss. You are not limited to one task. You can do several tasks the way you like it from time to time. This even makes your work more enjoyable and not boring. For example you can be in finance today and then tomorrow be in making records. No one wouldn’t love this.
9. There is Room For Exposure.
You have all the freedom to exposure because you are your own boss. You could decide to travel to wherever you want, meet people you like, enjoy nature etc. You don’t need anyone’s consent to do so. You can do this on a Monday-something that an employee can not do until its a weekend.
10. You Fail But Raise Up Stronger.
Failure is success. You will never succeed if you don’t fail-its rare. Being your own boss builds you. When you face challenges and fail, you learn lessons. These lessons are life time experiences that make you. Once you rise after the failures, you rise higher and stronger than you ever thought you could. This is because you have now mastered why things went wrong and ready to amend.
Being your own boss may seem hard to many. There are so many fears that people have concerning self employment. But those fears shouldn’t be a barrier. Look at the benefits that come along with being your own boss-i mean its something that everyone would enjoy to be. You can do it, its never too late to do this.