Stress is caused by many factors today. We experience stress almost everyday, people are going through a whole lot lately i.e. from financial, relationship stress, disagreements, work pressure. etc. Anything that bothers you is automatically stress. Lets identify the possible causes of stress today.
Quotes Stress.
2. What Is Stress?
Stress is anything that disorganizes your peace and calm. If anything tempers with your mindset that you get moody, angry and emotional or sometimes even cry, that is stress.
3. 10 Causes Of Stress Today.
Stress is caused by various factors as below;
1. Expecting Too Much.
When you expect too much out of something, you are likely to be stressed the more. This is because not everything comes out as expected. For example, being so sure you will get a first grade may not necessarily happen as expected. This may make the student blame themselves for failure to make it, hate themselves hence stress because his/her expectations where high.
2. Poverty.
High Poverty levels especially in low developed countries (LDCs). The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting more poorer. Some people are too poor to afford even the basic needs like food, clothes and shelter on a daily. This causes stress, depression and even death because they even start thinking that they are better off dead.
3. Uncertainties.
These are things that just happen without you planning for them. e.g. before you know it they tell you your mum is dead, somebody is sick, another just got an accident. Deaths, accidents, long time illness like stroke cause stress today. These such uncertainties lead to mental, emotional and physical breakdown of a person. Death of a loved one is so painful and can lead to emotional breakdown like crying terribly.
4. Not Being Contented.
Some people are not contented with what they have or even who they are. I would say if you are not contented with just that that you have at the moment, you’ll never do so even if you acquire much more than that. Some are not contented with who they are, especially ladies i.e., they want to look like some famous figures e.g. Beyoncé, Shakira etc. This thought alone leads to stress because clearly you feel God did not create you well, you wish you were those people you have in thought. This is bad.
5. Pressure At Work.
Pressure at work Today has caused anxiety in many people’s lives. Some jobs are too demanding that someone doesn’t even have time for themselves or families. Even when the person gets home they are still finishing up office work because maybe they want it the next day. Most people are caught in there because they got no any other job apart from that very one.
6. Misunderstandings In Relationships.
Misunderstandings in relationships today are caused by many factors. e.g. differences in religions, education backgrounds, financial problems, long distant lovers, lack of religious virtues like respect and poor communication among others. This may lead to separation or even divorce anxiety and depression.
7. Having Many Resources To Manage.
We tend to admire “rich people” because we believe they are the happiest people on earth-Yes it is true. However if you knew what these people go through on a daily, you wouldn’t admire to be so rich. These people don’t have their privacy because they are famous-their life is public. Whatever slightest thing they do is published for society to view, they don’t get enough rest because they are watching over the progress of their projects not to collapse. These people don’t even get enough time for their families-they are taken up by their projects. This makes them live miserable lives.
8. Over Depending On Others.
Depending on others is good because you need people by your side, you can’t always be on your own every time. But over depending on others is not good at all. It simply means you can’t do without others, your decisions, plans, motives and whole life depends on them- this is dangerous. This is stressing because it feels like you don’t have a life of your own.
9. Over Thinking.
Don’t allow your brain to be redundant/dormant-think like a normal human being but avoid over thinking. If you over think, you sink. Over thinking may mean thinking about impossibilities, things that don’t even exist or have answers. There are things you just have to accept and take them the way they are, you don’t need to bother yourself thinking. God is supernatural, don’t ask why-that’s his nature just, death is one’s fate it just happens- don’t blame yourself because you couldn’t stop it from happening.
10. The Nature Of The Environment.
What is the nature of your environment-is it calm?, noisy? is it hilly, flat, hot , windy or rainy? Some environments cause stress automatically. You may prefer a calm and peaceful environment as a person. But then when your siblings come home for a holiday, they put loud music, laugh loudly and make fun on a high tone- brings discomfort to you. You will automatically feel disturbed.
Once You Know these possible causes of stress, you can handle it then. You only fight what you know. Learn about these stressors and tune your mindset on how to deal with them for the betterment of your life.